Episode 2-1 Finally! The second saga begins. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. Or, a falling note.
Episode 2-2: 50% Complete
Good news for all you Yoshi's World fans! I am currently just beginning to design a Monkey Island style
game with the Yoshi's World theme! Of course, I need to learn the program first, but I'm getting there.
Demo: NEW AND IMPROVED! Download here
NOTE: To exit the game, press Ctrl+Q.
Overall game completion:
Graphics: 40%
Interactivity: 35%
Plotline: 99%
Overall: 40%
Here is a screenshot of the demo. This is what happens when you tell Manny to talk to the floor.
Another demo screenshot. Manny contemplates why it would be a bad idea to try to cross the river with the bridge out.
NEW screenshot! This picture shows the design of the new interface bar, and the entrance to the game's major town.
The game is only in 320x200 resolution; hence the small picture size.
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(Why would you want to go there?)
Last update: June 29th, 2005