Insane Steve's LemEdit Set #5 Hints, Solutions, Errata, etc. This is the fifth level set I have made for the LemEdit program. The first thing you should know is that the height for the interactive objects is kind of messed up on certain sets, so if the Lemmings climb a step and then pass by the exits, it is my program's fault. Email me at if you have this problem, and I will recreate the set with a different height. Also email me if you don't think the level solutions I have presented are correct (Although I tested them all), or if you found an easier, possibly cooler alternate solution. Also tell me if the help file is erroneous in any way (For example, the levels are mixed up, or one of the titles is very wrong, or if there is a major typo, etc.) These comments will help me revise these and future levels. Below are the hints/solutions. I have put some space there so you can read the first few paragraphs without seeing the answers. Good luck! The difficulty is out of 10. 0-2.5 = Fun, 3-4.5 = Tricky 5-6.5 = Taxing, 7-8.5 = Mayhem, 9+ = SunSoft. (NOTE: In level 9, some of the one-way arrow blocks do not work. This does not affect the solution in any way whatsoever.) Level cl fl bo bl bu ba mi di #L %S Time RR Difficulty Graphic Set 1 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 80 100 5:00 20 4.5 5 2 02 01 20 05 05 05 50 100 4:00 20 5.0 3 3 10 10 10 01 10 10 10 50 98 5:00 20 7.0 2 4 10 10 10 35 01 10 10 100 8:00 99 5.0 8 5 10 50 10 10 10 80 90 8:00 20 6.5 5 6 05 10 20 30 20 75 73 5:00 01 7.0 1 7 10 10 06 06 06 02 01 01 60 95 6:00 10 7.5 2 8 01 09 10 10 50 20 20 10 100 9:00 01 8.5 4 9 01 01 11 11 80 88 5:00 60 9.0 3 10 02 01 01 02 20 10 2 100 7:00 99 9.5 5 If you haven't noticed, I am very fond of sets 2 and 5, and will rarely, if ever use 0, 6, or 7. REVISIONS: Level 4: Lowered difficulty 2 whole points. Level 9: Lowered number of bashers and diggers to 11 each. HINTS ************************************* Level 1 (Preventative Maintenance): This is the easiest level in ANY of my first 5 sets -- why do you need a hint for it? Anyways, You need to worry about three things -- getting the lemmings down without splatting them, stopping the lemmings until you can get through the wall, and making sure that all the lemmings walk to the right after they are released, because there's no way to block the left side on the bottom and still save 100%. Is the blocker of ANY use? Level 2 (The decending pillar scenario): Just like "The ascending pillar scenario" (11 Taxing in DOS Lemmings), only with different starting and ending locations. This one is actually easier than the original Taxing level, mainly because it is so much easier to trap the lemmings. The key is figuring out the fastest way to get up the pillars. 4 minutes isn't that long... Level 3 (... Now what?): Tricky 11/Mayhem 19 is back with a vengance. You get only one builder to solve a puzzle that normally requires many builders. Plus, you have no blockers -- so this one builder MUST be used to build over the left gap. You can try getting a lemming up there as you did in Mayhem 19, but a miner isn't steep enough to allow the other lemmings up the gap. You need to make a "reverse" bridge, and it has to be VERY steep. Also watch out -- you only have 10 of the OTHER skills! Level 4 (Annoyance): You only have the one Basher. If you bash the wall immediately, the other lemmings will turn around, and the fall height is not safe. Note how many occurances of the number "10" there are. 10 lemmings, 10 diggers, and most importantly, 10 rooms under the starting platform. Now... what can those 35 builders be used for...? Remember: 1 Basher. Ok, Maybe there's an easier solution? Level 5 (The Lemming Mental Institution): The comfy padded cell the lemmings start in has steel on three sides of the room. Obviously, the only way out is through the ceiling. Keep in mind that there are no floaters, and it is a long way up... Level 6 (Bolero): The obvious priority is to place a builder under the entrances as soon as possible to save the Lemmings that are falling into the lava. However, the pillars are far too high to build under them, and you get no diggers. You do, however, have 20 miners. The bombers may also look useful, but you need 73% -- and you have few Lemmings to waste. Level 7 (Irregularly Placed Pole Level): Look at your skills. You have climbers and bombers for the poles, but you need 95% -- and you don't have nearly enough Lemmings to waste in order to use this tactic. Your other skills also seem very limited, so perhaps clearing through the poles is out of the question? Is there another way? Think carefully. Examine the level design VERY throughly -- you might just see it. Level 8 (Split Complementaries (Part 2)): This one is not recommended for people with short attention spans. You must pay VERY good attention to ALL FOUR entrances. First, decide what entrance can be saved with one fewer floater than the number of Lemmings that leave it. Then, keep a finger on the F11 (Pause) key and make the other Lemmings floaters as they leave. The rest is "simply" being able to keep track of all 4 entrances and not to let any of the Lemmings stumble into the many pitfalls in the level. Good luck! Level 9 (I am I.S.): If you didn't know already, this level looks suspiciously like the level "I am A.T." (Even has a similar title). If you've never seen "I am A.T.", download the level pack "GARJEN02.DAT" from and play level 9. The twist is that you get far fewer diggers as before, but look! You have 11 bashers now! The 88% prevents the original solution from working all that well. The arrows, although they look like an obstacle, may provide a vital clue for you solving this level... And oh yes, 88% IS possible. You may think that, even after you find the correct solution, 87% is the most you can get. The builder DOES have a use. PS: The level "I am A.T." is an actual SunSoft-rated level from certain versions of the original Lemmings. This is my personal spin on it. Level 10 (Let's see what you've learned): The title is a nice hint. This level uses no fewer than FIVE tricks I have implemented in earlier levels! Look carefully at the level, and see where you may need each one. First of all, you need to figure out which lemming is to be the floater. Both will be climbers, eventually. Then, look at the level carefully. You really can't waste your builders, either... This one is tough, to say the least -- even if you KNOW my tricks! SOLUTIONS ***************************************** Level 1: Make the first lemming a miner, and the second a builder. This builds over the miner's gap. The miner will bash when it reaches the wall. Dig through the bridge when the basher is almost through the wall. Easy as that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level 2: The easiest way to trap the lemmings is to make the first lemming a miner when it hits the small gap in the "S" curve pillar and the second a digger. Build to stop the digger when it almost through the pillar. The miner should then build into the first pillar, and bash through it without turning. Then, build back and forth in between the 2 tallest pillars. When the lemming is ALMOST at the top, bash through the top part of the pillar. Simply bridge the other gaps and you are essentially done. Remember the bash in the mob to allow the other lemmings to leave towards the exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level 3: Make the 2nd and 3rd lemmings climbers as soon as they leave the entrance. Bomb your First climber so it is slightly above the hole in the right wall. The first lemming should be about at the gap on the left -- use your only builder to build over this gap. The space between the 1st and 4th lemmings is great enough to prevent any lemmings from falling in. Now, watch the 2nd climber. Mine when it reaches the bomb hole. It will fall into that narrow alcove in the wall. Let the lemming turn around at the wall, and mine immediately when it lands facing left. At a point, dig. Pause the game, and count 6 pixels down from the point where the lemming is digging. When it hits this point, make it bash. It can only be allowed to bash maybe 2 or 3 pixels. When this happens, dig again. Then bash again after 6 pixels. Continue this until you are all the way through the wall and the lemmings can climb up your steep staircase. It is a bit tricky to get this right... you will likely come up short of your target a few times before you dig deep enough to allow the lemmings to climb up the starcase. All that is left now is to bash through that wall. Done. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level 4: When the last Lemming is directly over the left pole, make it dig. Make the last lemming dig over each pole separately, so that there is eventually one lemming in each of the 10 bottom "rooms". Next, use your builders to bridge along the bottom in all rooms except the left most one. The point is to have the left lemming bash throught the poles, and CONTINUE bashing through the bridges you made in each room. The basher must continue ALL the way through the big wall of bubbles at the right side. It cannot stop at all. It is VERY annoying to get right. Ok, ok. There is at least one alternate soluion I found. I'll let you try and find it out if you are sick of the basher not working. I'm not saying where it is, though. Find something yourself for once! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level 5: Have a lemming build a HUGE staircase all the way to the ceiling. At increments, have lemmings build parallel to this large builder so that there are no splats. When the lemming hits its head, turn a lemming into a bomber. Try and time it so it bombs at the VERY top of this bridge to blow a hole in the ceiling. If you started too late, build single stairs at the top in order to stall it. Keep bombing until you have a tall enough hole to bash through. Put a hole in your large bridge after you start the bash through the ceiling to prevent lemmings from following. The rest is fairly obvious. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level 6: Make the first lemming mine through the thin barrier onto the right platform. Then, have the second lemming out on top build over the hole. The first lemming is to mine back and forth down the platform, building to stop it before it mines through. (Play Havoc 6 of Oh, No! More Lemmings! -- it uses the same concept.) You need to be fast and almost flawless. When your miner is low enough, build under the lowest entrance to the level. Build up the miner's hole, then build to the right tower. You'll need to mine a hole in a bridge to trap the lemmings. The worker lemming needs to mine through the right pillar to the exit. You can use bombers to a point, also. This one can be done with half the builders! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level 7: Set a blocker on the right. Lemming 2 builds to the LEFT. Blocker on the left of the platform. Then, Lemming 2 builds right to the CEILING. Bash through the ceiling (You'll need to do this at a fairly high point, a few pixels up, or the basher will stop early. Dig down so that other lemmings land on the last pole in the sequence. You'll need to make the worker a floater, as it won't land on the pole. Build over the small gap and bomb your blocker. Easy as that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level 8: The first lemming out is to be made a floater. Build into the ledge to turn around, and Build to under the exit. Meanwhile, second lemming is to be made a floater. (F11 is almost obligatory here.) Build to the ledge over the row of thin ledges. 3rd lemming is to be a floater. Same with 4th. 3rd lemming builds over the gap. 4th lemming EVENTUALLY bashes into one of the spheres on the floor to prevent it from landing in the trap. 2nd lemming bashes into the sphere to block it. 5th-8th lemmings are made floaters. 1st lemming is to build to the wall. 9th lemming is NOT to be made a floater. 10th lemming floater. Build bridges and bash/mine as necessary to get to the exit. Of course, it's easy to describe it, actually DOING it is a whole other problem! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level 9: Release rate about 75 right at the start. The first lemming on the right digs at the point where the entire width of the lemming is used for digging, and the entire left side of the pillars is destroyed. You need pixel precision here. As the lemmings reach the top of the pillars, have them dig. You should see a staircase forming. Keep going until the first digger is about at the bottom. (You should have used 12 diggers.) Pause game, hit F8. Wait for the top most lemming to dig EXACTLY 6 pixels, then make it a basher. IMMEDIATELY make the second digger from the top a basher. Then the 3rd, all the way down. You likely used 10 bashers. Pause game. Release rate 99 (Obligatory). Note that the staircase is STILL there, it is now moving to the right! The lemmings on the bottom will climb up the staircase, and reach the exit. But wait: This only saves 87%? You need one more. Look at your top basher. It will, for some reason, bash through the steel. After it does, use the builder right before it hits the exit, then bash again to stop it before it turns around. There's the 88%. Nothing you can do for the other 9 lemmings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level 10: On the left side, have the lemming build into the thin wall to create a step (1st trick, I'll keep track as we go along), and then make it an athlete. When it lands on the step, have the lemming build over the gap. Next, let the lemming climb up the wall, and build over the gap. Make this lemming build about 4 steps over the second gap, and then dig 4 pixels, build 4 steps, etc., all the way across the gap. (2) Then, have the lemming build up to the steel wall on the right. However, this lemming should miss this right wall by EXACTLY ONE PIXEL. (3) Build to the ceiling part, and then build over onto the steel. Have the athlete build TWICE when under the exit and it will climb through the wall to the exit. (4) Now, make the lemming that is doing doing but walking in the pit a climber as it faces right. It climbs through the pixel gap, but turns as it hits its head and lands on the bridge. (3, again) Now, when this lemming reaches the edge of the tall steel wall, have it build a single step and dig IMMEDIATELY. This prevents it from splatting. (5) Now, when it is at a safe height, make it a blocker -- this will stop it digging, and since it is not on solid ground, it doesn't block. Build the 2 steps into the ceiling again (4) and watch the second lemming climb through the wall to the exit. If you are up for a challenge, try solving the level with no more than 2 diggers -- it requires an entirely different route! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL THANKS: Martin Zurlinden: For finding a back-route in level 4 that led to a whole new level. Also, for finding the bomber trick in level 6, and for helping me notice 3 back-routes in level 9, and an alternate solution in level 10. Thank you for playing this set of levels. They are designed with your enjoyment (And frustration, which invariably leads to MY enjoyment) in mind. Additional feedback helps me to make my levels better and better -- if you have anything to say, Email me. ~Insane Steve Questions? Comments? Invectives? All are welcomed and encouraged. Email me at